Circulation Policy

Circulation Policy

Approved June 14, 2021


Individuals that live, work, or own property in Lincoln County or residents of neighboring counties are eligible to apply for a library card in person or online.  A photo ID and proof of current address are required to receive a new or replacement card.  Residents of other counties must have a library card in good standing from their county.  The replacement fee for lost cards is $2.00.  Patrons should report lost or stolen cards immediately.  You are responsible for all items charged to your card.  All patrons must have a valid card to borrow items.  Proper identification must be provided each time you check out materials.  Identification may include your library card, photo identification, or a photo on file.

If a patron is under 18 years of age, a parent or legal guardian must sign the application and show proper identification.  The patron must be present to fill out an application.  Library cards will not be issued 30 minutes before closing.

Computer passes are available for non-residents or adults without a library card.  Digital Use Only cards may be issued to Lincoln County residents to utilize online library resources.  When an applicant cannot come into the library or a parent/legal guardian’s signature cannot be obtained, digital use only cards will be issued.  Patrons may convert a digital library card to a physical library card by visiting the library and presenting acceptable identification.

Patrons who incur more than $5.00 in fees become ineligible to borrow materials until the fee is below $5.00.  A library card expired for three or more years may be removed from the library’s database due to nonuse.  Patrons may reinstate library privileges by presenting acceptable identification as defined above.

Circulation: Total of 30 items may be checked out for two weeks.  Materials may be renewed twice.

Item Limit Replacement Fee
Hardback Books 20 $20
New 14 Day Books 5 $20
Mass Market Paperback 20 $7
Fiction 5 by the same author $20
Non-fiction 3 per subject $20
Children’s Books 20 $20
Board Books Included in children’s books $8
Magazines 5 $5
Audiobooks 5 $50
DVDs / Blu-Rays 5 $20
Video Games 1 Replacement cost of the item
Kits 1 Replacement cost of the items


  • Materials on reserve may not be renewed.
  • Genealogy books do not circulate. However, we will provide up to five (5) copies free of charge from genealogy books.
  • Parents and guardians have the right and responsibility to determine their children’s access to library r The library does not use rating systems to inhibit a minor’s access to materials.
  • The library is not responsible for damage to your DVD player. DVDs are for home use only. No public performance or copying.

Damaged Materials Fees:

  • The library reserves the right to assess fees for any materials that are damaged including, but not limited to: tears, stains, and odors.
  • Lost or damaged DVD, Audiobook, Videogameor CD cases will be $5.00 to replace. Lost or damaged paper covers will be $2.00 to replace.

Interlibrary Loans:

  • If we do not have an item, you may leave the title and we will consider its purchase.
  • If we do not have a book, we can try and borrow it from another library for you through the Interlibrary Loan service. This service is for books only. We are unable to borrow books under six months old, textbooks, movies, CDs or Audiobooks.

Return of Materials:

  • You may return your items at the circulation desk, drop box at the back entrance (parking lot side), or the drive up drop box. Drop box is open at all times.

 Overdue Items:

  • Library materials are considered overdue the day following the date due. The library does not charge late fees on items returned after the due date.  However, patrons will be charged replacementcosts for unreturned items.
  • Overdue notices will be sent if items become overdue.
  • Fees may be paid by cash, credit card, check or money order at the Circulation Desk. Fees may also be paid by mail with a check made payable to Lincoln County Public Library.
  • Materials that are 30 or more days overdue are not eligible for renewal.
  • Materials that are 60 days or more overdue are considered lost. A billing will be made for the cost of the item.
  • The following schedule will be used for notifying patrons of overdue materials:
Number of days overdue Type of notification Method
14 days 1st notice Phone call/Email sent
30 days 2nd notice Email/Letter mailed
60 days 3rd notice Bill mailed
  • Materials more than 60 days overdue are marked as “Lost.”
  • Lost materials are purged from the system after 180 days. The patron will be charged the replacement cost for materials that have been withdrawn.  Full payment is required to restore borrowing privileges.
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