Equipment Loan Policy
Approved October 8, 2018 ● Revised November 10, 2020
The following items are available to borrow from the Lincoln County Public Library when not in use for library programming and events. Library staff cannot provide support for the equipment beyond basic information.
The following items must remain in the library:
- Projector and Laptop Computer with Built-In DVD Player
- Meeting Owl
- Laptop for Video Conferencing
- Headset
- Webcam
These items may be removed from the library:
- Typewriter
- Portable Projection Screen
- Slide Projector
- Overhead Projector
- Multimedia Projector
- Display Easels
- Chromebook (Parking Lot Use)
- Laptop w/Mobile Hotspot Kit
A driver’s license and/or major credit card may be required as identification in order to rent certain equipment.
Who may borrow: Age 18 or older, resident of Lincoln County or a regular user from outside the county; New card holders must establish a positive borrowing record for 3 consecutive months with at least 3 checkouts. Or place a credit card on file that may be charged for unreturned equipment. Or place a refundable deposit to borrow the equipment.
Reserve: Up to one month in advance. Laptop w/hotspot kits are first come first serve/reserved.
Loan period: Laptop w/mobile hotspot kit may be checked out for 21 days (3 weeks). Chromebooks may be checked out for 90 minutes. All other equipment is up to three days if no other bookings. Equipment must be picked up and returned during the library’s normal hours of operation.
Overdue fees: Laptop w/Mobile Hotspot Kit: $5.00/day
Projectors: $5.00/day
Screen: $5.00/day
Typewriter: $1.00/day
Display Easels: $1.00/day
Repair: Cost of repair will be billed when the extent of damage and cost of repair is known.
Replacement: Replacement cost will be charged for equipment not returned.
Recovery: Recovery of equipment will include notice by telephone, letter, or legal action.
Signed agreement: Patrons borrowing equipment from the library shall sign a written form agreeing to the terms or circulation of such equipment.
Checking Out Loanable Equipment
- A valid photo ID must be presented at the Circulation Desk to borrow equipment.
- No equipment will be checked out to any persons with overdue items or fines or without a valid photo ID.
- Staff will inspect the equipment for damage before it is borrowed and when it is returned. Users are required to report any problems experienced with the equipment during their borrowing period.
- Return equipment to the circulation desk. The Library is not responsible for equipment left unattended.
- By checking out the equipment, the borrowing patron accepts responsibility for repair/replacement of items that are lost, stolen, or damaged.
- The borrowing patron is required to read, agree to, and sign the equipment loan agreement each time they borrow.
Overdue, Lost, or Damaged Equipment
The borrowing patron is responsible for returning all items borrowed with your Lincoln County Public Library card by their due date and time. When an item becomes overdue, borrowing privileges will be blocked until the item is returned. After 24 hours, unreturned equipment may be considered stolen or lost. Charges for full replacement value may be imposed on the credit card on file. Local police may be notified to initiate an investigation.
Lost equipment and lost library cards should be reported as soon as possible to a staff member. As soon as the Library determines that an item is lost, the borrowing patron will be sent a bill for the cost of replacement. Damaged items are evaluated to determine if the item can be repaired or if a new one must be ordered. The borrowing patron is billed for a damaged item at a fee determined by a librarian.
The Library will not be responsible for damage done to users’ external storage media or non-Library multimedia/computer equipment used with Library equipment.
Attempts to damage or alter Library equipment or software are a violation of Library policy and may result in loss of Library privileges and legal action.
Saving Files, Personal Data & Information
- Users must provide their own digital media for storage.
- Users may not download executable files to the hard drive of laptops.
- Any additional apps or media purchased by the user during the loan period must be made with the user’s own funds, and are not the responsibility of the Library.
- The Library is not responsible for any information the user puts on or leaves on our equipment.