Interlibrary Loan Frequently Asked Questions
Policies and Procedures for borrowing items from other libraries.
An interlibrary loan is a transaction in which a library borrows material from another library for its patrons. The purpose of the interlibrary loan service is to increase access to information by making materials in other libraries available to our patrons.
Library cardholders with a positive history may request interlibrary loan service.
Materials may be requested from another library when it is not available in our library.
There are no charges either to Lincoln County Public Library customers or to other libraries for interlibrary loan transactions. Materials not returned by the due date will be charged overdue fees.
Materials borrowed from other libraries may take an extended period of time to arrive at the library. We estimate that the minimum time for an item to arrive is 14 business days. Turnaround time varies upon the lending library and the materials requested.
When an interlibrary loan item is received by the Lincoln County Public Library, the requestor will be notified by telephone and the item will be held for pick-up at the circulation desk. If the item is not picked up by the return date, it will be sent back.
Contact the Circulation Manager to request a renewal. Renewals are not guaranteed. Plan to return interlibrary loan items by the due date.
Patrons with lost or damaged interlibrary loan materials will be responsible for the replacement cost and any other fees determined necessary.
There is a late fee of $1 per day for overdue interlibrary loan items. Patrons may not be permitted to request interlibrary loan items due to a history of late returns.
Length of loan is determined by the lending library. Renewals must be requested at least 5 days before the due date.