Computers, Laptops, Internet & Wi-fi Access
The library provides the technology you need to search, discover, learn, and grow. Check out our options for onsite and home use. Restrictions may apply. Review the current policies for the most up-to-date information.
Connect @ Home
Borrow a laptop, hotspot, or other equipment for home use.
Use our computers to connect, discover, and grow.
Bring your device and connect wirelessly to our network.
Borrow a hotspot for internet on the go or @ home.
Print from our computers or send your file to the library to be printed.
Computers in the Library
Internet-connected desktop computers are available for public use inside the library and may be accessed using your library card. Patrons who are not eligible to receive a library card or who have forgotten their cards and do not have verifiable ID may request a single-use guest pass at the desk.
The Lincoln County Public Library aims to provide a diverse array of books and other materials, programs, and services, including electronic information sources, to meet the educational, informational, and recreational needs of residents of all ages. In keeping with this goal, the Library provides public access to the internet. The internet is a global entity with a highly diverse user population. The Library cannot control and is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the information accessed. Internet resources are provided equally to all library users. Any restriction of a child’s access to the internet, even inside the library, is the sole responsibility of the parent or legal guardian.
The library provides 16 computers equipped with commonly used software. There is no time limit unless the demand exceeds the number of computers available. Library computers automatically shut down 30 minutes before closing. Library staff members are available to help get you started but are not available for in-depth training. Individuals who would like additional assistance may request an appointment to ensure a staff member is available. Basic computer classes may be scheduled based on community requests. Patrons under 18 are required to have permission from a parent or guardian for computer use on file. A limited number of Chromebooks are available for library programs or patron use in certain circumstances. Find the complete Internet Access & Computer Policy here.
Laptops for home use
You can check out Laptops and hotspots for internet access at home! The Lincoln County Public Library received a grant from the KY Department for Libraries & Archives to provide 10 laptops and mobile hotspots. The initial program was successful, and the library obtained Emergency Connectivity Broadband Funding from the Universal Services Administration.
Laptops may be borrowed by patrons over 18 with an established library card for four weeks. Adults with a current library card in good standing will be added to the reservation list in the order we are contacted. When a laptop becomes available and is ready for checkout, we will call you to set up a time to pick it up.
Borrow the Internet to use at home
We are very excited about our Internet to Go program. Laptops and hotspots for internet access will check out to you for four weeks. These can be checked out for 28 days to patrons over 18 with an established library card. You can wirelessly connect your devices to WiFi at home for schoolwork, job hunting, streaming, and more.
Adults with a current library card in good standing will be added to the reservation list in the order we are contacted. When a hotspot becomes available and is ready for checkout, we will call you to set up a time to pick it up. When you come to pick up the hotspot, please allow at least 30 minutes to fill out the paperwork and go over the contents. You must bring your photo ID with your current address and library card.
Please note hotspots rely on a signal from cell phone towers. Hotspots may not work in all areas. Call for more information about borrowing a laptop & hotspot or to add your name to the reserve list.
Internet to Go: Laptop & Mobile Hotspot Lending Policy
Laptop & Hotspot Lending FAQs
Wireless Internet Access
Free Wi-Fi
Bring your device and use our free wireless internet access. Wi-fi is available in and around the library 24 hours per day, seven days a week. Look for “Library” on your list of available networks. Once connected, you will have access to “in-library use only” resources like Library Edition & The Interior Journal.
Other Equipment
Check out our Library of Things.
The library provides the community with the following items when not in use for library programming and events. Library staff cannot provide support for the equipment beyond basic information. Contact the library to make arrangements for borrowing these items. A driver’s license is required to borrow equipment. For more information, contact the library and review the Equipment Loan Policy
The following items must remain in the library:
- Projector and Laptop Computer with Built-In DVD Player
- Meeting Owl
- Laptop for Video Conferencing
- Headset
- Webcam
These items may be removed from the library:
- Typewriter
- Portable Projection Screen
- Slide Projector
- Overhead Projector
- Multimedia Projector
- Display Easels
- Chromebook (Parking Lot Use)
- Laptop w/Mobile Hotspot Kit
FAQs for Equipment Loans
Please refer to the current Equipment Loan Policy for the most up-to-date policies.