Lincoln County Public Library provides Outreach Services to people who could not otherwise have access to library services and resources with an emphasis on those who are un-served or underserved due to physical, economic, social, geographic, or other barriers. Trained, motivated staff make visits and provide programs to facilities throughout Lincoln County, as well as provide delivery of specially selected items.
Outreach Service fulfills this purpose through homebound deliveries, nursing home/institutional visits, off-site programming, and other services. Because of the growing need for such services, the establishment of purpose and priority for each of these services and for the overall Outreach Services Department is of utmost importance.
Service Priorities: The following types of stops will be considered in the following order of importance:
- Homebound Service: Stops meant to provide library materials to those unable to make it to the library and cannot utilize traditional service.
- Daycare/Early Learning Facilities: Stops meant to provide library services and experiences to the very young.
- Educational Facilities: Stops meant to provide supplemental library services to schools with limited media centers or collections.
- Facilities/Housing for the Aged and/or Disabled: Those who may be unable to visit the library due to physical/mental disability. Stops include adult care facilities, developmental industries, etc.
- Under-advantaged Neighborhoods: This service often provides their only means of access to library materials and services.
- Outlying Communities/Surrounding Towns: Service to communities at the far reaches of the library’s service area.
- Residential Neighborhoods: Stops made to residential communities/apartment complexes as a convenience rather than a necessity.
Homebound Service
This Outreach service provides library materials to those who are physically unable to leave their homes and cannot utilize traditional service. Deliveries (and pick-up) of library items are made to the customer’s home.
Materials available for delivery include: books (including large-print, hardback and paperback) and audiobooks (cassette tapes and CDs). DVDs and video games will be circulated to homebound individuals with a 2 week circulation period. Patrons will return these items to the outreach librarian at the 2 week pickup.
Blind and otherwise physically handicapped patrons may be eligible to receive a free electronic audiobook reader from the Kentucky Talking Book Library. Lincoln County Public Library will act as a mediator between the patron and KTBL to assist the patron with setting up services.
If a patron’s desired book cannot be found within the library’s own collection, and also cannot be retrieved through the Interlibrary Loan service, the library may consider purchasing the book. However, the library will not accept cash from a patron to make a personal online transaction.
Outreach patrons will receive the standard checkout limit of 25 items, but will be allowed 4 weeks to keep books and audiobooks out. These materials may be renewed for an additional 8 weeks unless they are being requested by another patron.
Deliveries to outreach patrons are not to exceed a bimonthly frequency.
Outreach patrons are responsible for ALL MATERIALS borrowed from the Lincoln County Public Library. Overdue fines, if accumulated by fault of the outreach staff, will be waived. However, any lost book fees must be paid if the patron desires to continue receiving outreach services. Patrons may request a receipt of items currently checked out to them.
Application for services
In order to receive home delivery services, all patrons must complete an application that must be approved by the director of the library. Any patrons interested in receiving outreach delivery services from the Lincoln County Public Library may call the library and set up an initial interview (either on site or over the phone) where the request will be discussed in more detail.
Daycare Facilities/Local Businesses: Outreach services are also available to daycares and other local businesses/agencies throughout the community. This service may vary depending on the resources available, and the priority of all other library patrons. All rules listed above apply for this service.
Community Deposit Locations
The library will partner with businesses, community organizations and other locations to supply books for the community. These locations may include Little Free Libraries, lobbies, waiting rooms, etc. Books will primarily be donated items or items withdrawn from the library’s collection.
Community Events
Lincoln County Public Library will set up an information booth about Library services and materials related to the occasion at local events including health fairs, festivals, and meetings.
Community Education
The community Education Program serves those who cannot access Library materials and services on-site. Programs take place in community centers, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, schools, parks and other locations as appropriate in the community.