Lincoln County Public Library Board
A five-member Board of Trustees governs the affairs of Lincoln County Public Library. The County Judge Executive appoints board members for a maximum of two consecutive four-year terms. The Board of Trustees determines the library’s mission, purpose, and policies. It is also responsible for the fiscal and fiduciary aspects of the library. The Board of Trustees appoints members of an Advisory Board that serve renewable three-year terms.
Library boards have been created by law to act as the governing body of the library. Members of the library board are called library trustees and are public officials with powers delegated to them as a public trust. On this page, you’ll find KDLA resources to aid trustees in fulfilling their role in serving their community.
Library Board meetings are held the second Monday of each month @ 4:00 p.m.
Board Members
Connie Howerton – President
First term: July 1, 2022-June 30, 2026
Brian Duncan – Vice President
Filling Unexpired term: June 30, 2025
Jane Berry – Treasurer
First Term: July 1, 2022-June 30, 2026
Candise Hodges – Secretary
First term: July 1, 2021-June 30, 2025
Heidi Pence – Member
Filling Unexpired term: June 30, 2024
Advisory Board Members
An advisory board shall consist of interested citizens willing to serve in that capacity. The appointed Board shall approve all members of the Advisory Board. As positions become available on the Executive Board, members of the Advisory Board will be considered as candidates for vacancies. The Advisory Board shall be composed of the county judge, county school superintendent or appointee, the Lincoln County Homemakers Association president and/or their appointee, at least two members from Stanford, and when available, one member from each section of the county.
Woods Adams
Lincoln County Judge Executive
Colleen Benson
Lincoln County Schools
Carol Long
Wayne Berry